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what I am doing my essay on

I am doing my essay on the arguements between the “disease” of obesity and stem cell research. Both of them are a problem in society. When it comes to obesity, obesity is spreading out a lot, meaning more and more people now-a-days are obese. When it comes to stem cell research, it is a problem because stem cell research can major problems if it is being tested on humans, because stem cells are supposed to be used to replace other broken cells of the body. This can be used to cure cancer possibly, replace a broken spinal cord, etc. The arguement that I am trying to make is that I am agreeing with the research that is being done with trying to fix the obesity problem and the stem cell research. That is the main claim to my arguement. I agree with the research method that is being done because if scientists, doctors, etc. can fix obesity and if they are able to replace cells with other stem cells and there are not any side effects to either one of these cures, then it can really help society out and it can help people become better than what they normally could have been. When it comes to obesity, a lot of obese people don’t really have the “drive” to go on some type of diet and lose some weight. Even if they start going on a diet, they don’t have the motivation to stick to that diet because the urge to eat, be lazy, etc. gets in the way of sticking to that diet. When it comes to stem cells, some people can have some really major problems that can’t be fixed like cancer for example. If people can successfully replace cells with stem cells without anymore problems occuring, then this can help cure a lot of people that couldn’t normally be cured. This is mainly why I agree with the research that is being done. This is what I am doing my essay on.

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