
Blog of my choice #2

The topic that I am going to be talking about is my tests that are coming up for my classes. Everybody knows that in college, tests usually come up around the same time for most people. Well, now that is applying to me. I have three tests coming up this week and next week. The [...]

The discussion on giving homeless people money

On Tuesday, we had a class discussion on if we would give people that are homeless any money for them to help support themselves. We broke into four different groups and talked about this. The group that I was in was arguing that we would definitely give homeless people money. We argued that it would [...]

what I am doing my essay on

I am doing my essay on the arguements between the “disease” of obesity and stem cell research. Both of them are a problem in society. When it comes to obesity, obesity is spreading out a lot, meaning more and more people now-a-days are obese. When it comes to stem cell research, it is a problem [...]

Blog of my choice #1

I am going to talk about how the first three weeks of this semester have been going so far. So far, things have been going pretty good. My classes are at pretty decent times and the classes I am taking are not too hard. The only thing that I really don’t like is the fact [...]

Hello world!

This is the first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!