
blog on Shattered Glass

This blog is going to be on the movie “Shattered Glass.” This movie was about a person named Stephen Glass and his career. This movie starts out by Glass talking to a class that one of his old teachers from years ago was teaching. He was talking about his career, which is journalism, to the class. He first talks about how his life has been going for him and he talks about a couple of articles that he has written. Then he talks about one article that starts to ruin his career. That’s about how far we got into the movie. At the beginning of the movie, Glass is a pretty respectable guy and everybody seems to get along with him really well. He is a little bit weird and not really the sociable type. When he is telling the story of the hacker, he seems like he is trying to be the “life of the party.” At the beginning of the movie, Stephen does not seem like the type of person who you wouldn’t want to hang around with at the beginning of the movie because he comes off as a nerdy and weird type of person. The biggest ethical issue that Stephen faces is the decision to write an article without having all of the right facts in it. I think that he was wrong because you can’t write an article to publish without having all of the right facts, down to last minor detail, to put into your article. This is a little bit about Shattered Glass since our class didn’t get to finish seeing the movie.

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